Plantar Fasciitis Gone in 12 weeks
Posted on 9th November 2024 at 11:50
Max has great success with Plantar Fasciitis (aka Policeman’s heel). Generally if you go to the GP they will say, rest, NSAID and it will go in 6-18 months!!
Here’s Max’s success story:
Female golfer – 69 years old presented hobbling in on the affected foot and reluctant to put weight down on her right side.
Max has great success with Plantar Fasciitis (aka Policeman’s heel). Generally if you go to the GP they will say, rest, NSAID and it will go in 6-18 months!!
Here’s Max’s success story:
Female golfer – 69 years old presented hobbling in on the affected foot and reluctant to put weight down on her right side.
Session 1 – Assessment of injury site, and muscle testing for strength that could affect the area. Manual therapy on glutes, hamstrings, calves and Achilles Tendon. Calf Stretching and strengthening with glute strengthening give.
Session 2 – Presented weightbearing and hesitant to load the foot. Better walking biomechanics than the previous week but still visible limp. Shockwave therapy added, as well as cupping therapy to ease the lower back and hip.
Session 3 – Had been playing golf (9 holes) with intermittent pain and use of a buggy. Feeling much better and relieved that they can walk a lot more normally then the last few months.
Session 4 – 18 holes of golf played still using buggy for long distanced. Still experiencing intermittent pain but severity of pain greatly reduced.
Session 5- Pain frequency still reducing. Back to golf without a buggy with some pain as well as walking more and playing bowls.
Session 6- Lower back and hamstrings feeling much better as more normal gait has taken excess load off them. Some dull ache towards end of exercise/long periods of walking but sharp pains now gone.
Session 7- 90% increase, can occasionally feel a dull ache if a lot of walking has taken place that day. Back to playing golf, bowls and badminton pain free. Now into strengthening an prevention phase, given core and more focused glute strengthening to prevent return of plantar fasciitis.
Sessions- 7
Time- 12 weeks
Max Unwin MSc (MSST)
Watch this 10 second clip of Shockwave being performed by Max on a Plantar Fasciitis Client
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